
数据结构与算法 课堂笔记 8:AVL树(AVL Tree)

04 / 17 / 2023 (最后编辑于 04 / 17 / 2023)
预计阅读时间 5 分钟

AVL Tree


  1. The difference in the heights between the two sub-trees of a node are at most 11;
  2. All of the sub-trees are AVL Tree.

If multiple unbalanced nodes are found on one path, we only need to fixed the unbalanced condition of the deepest node to make all nodes on the path balanced.


Basic Structure

struct Node
   Node(item x):data(x), height(1),
               lSon(NULL), rSon(NULL){}
   item data;
   int height;  // height of subtree rooted at this
                // node (maxDepth)
   Node* lSon;
   Node* rSon;

int h(Node* t){
   return t==NULL ? 0 : t->height;

int max(int x, int y){
   return x>=y ? x : y;


We have 4 cases for insertion at subtree(u), where u is the deepest unbalanced node:

  1. Insert on the left sub-tree of left-subtree(LL)
  2. (LR)
  3. (RL)
  4. (RR)

For case 11:

  1. Rotate u’s left son (name it as x) to where u at, and u now becomes x’s right son.
  2. make x’s former right son as u’s left son.

And for case 44, just do reversely.

For case 22:

  1. Rotate u’s left son (name it as x), make x’s right son to where x at, and x now become its right son’s left son.
  2. Now, the condition trasformed to case 11.

And for case 33, do reversely.


  1. Not all insertion causes inbalance! No rotation is needed to perform when no inbalance occurs!
  2. Remember to update height when rotation completes!


From bottom to top, fix all new occured inbalance using the same way as inserion. (Every time an inbalance at the bottom fixed, it can cause a new inbalance at ancestor.)



Worst case: the only unbalanced node is the root.

This will force a check from the leaf to the top.

So the complexity is O(h), hO(h),\ h is the height of the AVL tree.

And since AVL tree is always maintained balanced, the complexity of a signle operation is opproximately O(logn)O(\log{n}).


O(logn)O(\log n)

Worst case O(n)O(n)